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WoTClans: The End

As announced by me in November 2023, this project is now closed.

I thank each and every one of you for your support and for making this website a success.

I also thank Wargaming, who always supported me, allowed me to use their art on my site, dedicated personnel to create translations into other languages, and even gifted me tanks.

I have previously explained the reasons, but it costs little to reiterate them:

  • The main reason is that life (mine) has changed a lot since I created the site in February 2016. At the time, my job and family life gave me a lot of free time, which I spent playing WoT, and later investing in the site to implement programming techniques that were new to me (in my job, I am a backend programmer). But both professional and personal life have changed a lot since 2019, and I have little time to play or to program on this site.
  • In addition to this, my vision has deteriorated significantly, and even with 2 surgeries, it's uncomfortable to play on the TV, sitting on the sofa, due to the distances at which I can focus (I can only see well very close or far away, between 0.5m and 5m vision is blurred). Yes, I can wear glasses, but it's not the same for someone who had 20/20 vision... I have barely played WoT since 2019, or any other game.
  • Throughout this time, the site (and the bot, and its database) became obsolete in terms of technology and functionality. I still can't stand the Cold War battles, and refactoring to include them, although not technically difficult, would take a good amount of time.
  • I am wary of legal risks. Yes, legal risks on a game statistics site! This is due to the recent implementation of the Brazilian LGPD (General Data Protection Law), which requires explicit consent from each player before their personal data can be processed. The law is draconian, with heavy fines, and vague language on what can be defined as "personal information". Some lawyers I consulted say that Game Tags are personal, others do not. And I don't want a judge to decide. Even if they are not personal data, I don't want to spend on lawyers.

The site's code is Open Source and is on GitHub. If anyone wants to carry the flag, be warned that it is heavy: completely obsolete technology (.Net 4.8, ASP.Net MVC) and a massive Sql Server database full of complicated procedures. I do not recommend it. A better site can be made with less effort than necessary to update and maintain this one. The branch JustBeforeTheEnd has the last functional code of the site, the bot, and everything else, in case you want to consult how I do the calculations exactly. Due to concerns with the LGPD, I will not provide the Database I used, sorry.

Finally, once again, thank you all: the WoT community is fantastic, and I have made friends that last to this day and will last for a long time.

It's like a good book that ends: you're happy to have lived the story, but it eventually comes to an end.

A fraternal hug,

[]'s JP Negri São Paulo, 2023-02-04


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